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How long will the surveyor be on site and how long will the written report be?"

Some common question we get asked are No.1 “How long will the surveyor be on site?” And No.2 “How long will the written report be?”

The answer to both questions are very similar, it all depends on the size and condition of the property itself.

Say for example the property is a small, 1 bedroom - 40 square meter apartment.

Its been kept in great condition and structurally its sound, the surveyor will have very little to comment when it comes to conditional issues so will probably be there for just under an hour and the written report may only be 5-10 pages long.

However if the surveyor attends a property that has upwards of 20 rooms with structural issues, health and safety concerns and finish issues, the survey will take several hours to complete and could be anywhere from 15-30 pages long.

So in short, there is no specific answer to these questions as it will in the end all depend on the size and condition of the property. The bigger the property, the longer the survey and the worse condition the property is in, the longer the survey!

So fingers crossed for a short survey!






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